Wright Medical Technology Inc. Swanson Flexible Hinge Toe | Used in Forefoot arthroplasty | Which Medical Device

Swanson Flexible Hinge Toe

Added Feb 8, 2012

Manufactured by Wright Medical Technology Inc.

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From Which Medical Device

The Swanson Flexible Hinge Toe Implant is a flexible implant designed for arthroplasty of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Manufacturer’s indications include moderate to severe hallux valgus deformity secondary to osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis affecting the joint. It is made from silicon elastomer, and has a long proximal and a shorter distal stem of rectangular cross section. Press-fit titanium grommets are available which may help distribute load between the implant and poorer quality bone.

In one series of 97 patients with hallux rigidus only 38 were free of pain, and the rest had varying degrees of discomfort,1 but another series showed relief of pain in 95% of patients, and suggested use of the grommets was associated with less bone loss.2

Silicone-related foreign body reactions are described.3


1. Smetana M, Vencálková S. Use of a silicone metatarsophalangeal joint endoprosthesis in hallux rigidus over a 15-year period [Article in Czech]. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2003;70(3):177-81.

2. Ter Keurs EW, Wassink S, Burger BJ, Hubach PC. First metatarsophalangeal joint replacement: long-term results of a double stemmed flexible silicone prosthesis. Foot Ankle Surg. 2011 Dec;17(4):224-7. Epub 2010 Sep 9. 

3. Waguri-Nagaya Y, Yamagami T, Tsuchiya A, Nozaki M, Goto H, Kobayashi M, Aoyama M, Tada T, Otsuka T. Silicone-induced foreign-body reaction after first metatarsophalangeal joint arthroplasty for Jaccoud's arthropathy. Rheumatol Int. 2009 Sep;29(11):1367-71. Epub 2008 Dec 30.

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