Ultimaster Coronary Stent System

Added Jul 14, 2014

Manufactured and Distributed by Terumo

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From Terumo


Ultimaster TM CoCr Coronary Stent System

Is indicated for improving myocardial blood flow in patients with stenotic lesions in coronary arteries.

Ultimaster brings together the best in DES technology to facilitate the most complex clinical cases: 
  • Reliable deliverability for consistent excellent performance.
  • Enhanced conformability aims for long-term vessel patency.
  • Optimized drug release technology targeting favorable long-term clinical outcomes.


Product Characteristics

  • Bioresorbable PDLLA-PCL polymer to eliminate long-term polymer exposure
  • Abluminal and gradient coating to ensure fast and functional endothelialization
  • Brand-new vessel friendly platform with bio-inspired stent design
  • CoCr L605 80µm stent struts for optimal balance between radial force, visibility and flexibility
  • Low entry profile without transition to track smoothly across the entire system
  • Famous Terumo hydrophilic coating, enhanced stent flexibility and smooth stent-balloon transition enable ultimate stent crossability


Visit the Terumo UltimasterTM product page here


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