VA-LCP Distal Humerus Plates 2.7/3.5

Added May 1, 2013

Manufactured and Distributed by Depuy Synthes

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From Which Medical Device

These Variable Angle Locking Compression plates for the distal humerus from Depuy-Synthes are a set of low-profile plates designed for fixation of distal humeral fractures. The variable angle locking holes permit up to 15 degrees of off-axis screw angulation.  The plates include:

  • A standard medial column plate
  • A medial plate with extension to buttress the medial eipcondyle
  • A lateral plate for parallel plating constructs
  • A dorsolateral plate for perpendicular plating constructs, with distal screws targeting the capitellum
  • A dorsolateral plate with lateral support to target the articular block.

Indications include intra-articular fractures or supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus, non-unions of the distal humerus and humeral osteotomies.

A surgical technique guide can be found here.

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