Moximed Kinespring | Which Medical Device


Added Sep 27, 2010

Manufactured by Moximed

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Categorised under: Orthopaedics > Knee > Other


From Which Medical Device

The Kinespring is an implantable device designed to unload the medial compartment in an osteoarthritic knee and take some of the load (typically 18 kg during stance) without transferring it to the lateral compartment. It comprises two springs connected via ball and socket joints to the femur and tibia, with sufficient laxity to allow normal movements of the knee in the sagittal and coronal planes. The device sits in a subcutaneous, extraarticular position, is inserted in a minimally invasive fashion, and does not preclude later joint replacement. It therefore offers another option between conservative treatment and joint replacement and may be helpful for selected patients who need to unload their medial compartment, for example after joint reconstruction or articular surface grafting. The device is presently undergoing clinical trials in Australia and Europe, but we are not aware of published results.



Clifford A, O'Connell M, Gabriel S, Miller LE, Block JE. The KineSpring load absorber implant: rationale, design and biomechanical characterization. J Med Eng Technol. 2011 Jan;35(1):65-71.

Allen MJ, Townsend KL, Bauer TW, Gabriel SM, O'Connell M, Clifford A. Evaluation of the safety of a novel knee load-bypassing device in a sheep model. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Jan 4;94(1):77-84.

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Last update 24th April 2013. 

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