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Cook Medical Van Schie (Beacon tip) Seeking Catheters | Used in Angiography, Embolisation, Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), SIRT selective internal radiation therapy, TACE | Which Medical Device

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Van Schie (Beacon tip) Seeking Catheters

A family of devices designed to be used for catheterisation of bifurcated endoluminal AAA stent grafts. However the range of angles available makes them very useful for other vascular procedures eg crossing the bifurcation and complex embolisations. Have you used a Beacon Tip Van Schie...

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BVM Medical PediaVascular Angiography Catheters | Used in Angiography | Which Medical Device

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PediaVascular Angiography Catheters

Mongoose Mongoose™ 3.3 Fr. and 4 Fr. angiography catheters feature a hydrophilic coating surrounding triple wire braiding to provide high flow rates, torque transference, kink resistance and waveform fidelity. Catheter tips are softer and optimally sized for the pediatric cardiovascular...

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Angiodroid Angiodroid C02 Injector | Used in Angiography, Angioplasty | Which Medical Device

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Angiodroid C02 Injector

   Co2 Angiography just got a whole lot easier Angiodroid is a  Carbon Dioxide Injector for Peripheral Interventional Angiography  below the Diaphragm. The Technology has been developed over the last 5 years in cooperation with Private and Public Hospitals as...

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