From Medtronic
The CoreValve system, designed to replace a diseased aortic valve without open-heart surgery or surgical removal of the native valve, has now been implanted in more than 10,000 patients worldwide in 32 countries outside the US. Typically delivered through the femoral artery, CoreValve is used in 75% of transarterial transcatheter valve replacement procedures. Recent clinical data has demonstrated positive long-term performance and durability.
Runner-up: Cardiology (Jointly awarded with the SAPIEN Transcatheter Heart Valve)
"The judges couldn’t decide between these two devices, which have both stood 'the test of time'. The medium term (five years) performance of both valves is sufficiently robust to hope that TAVI may well become the first preferred option in patients with aortic stenosis." - Dr Azfar Zaman, Senior Editor for Cardiology. Read more
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