Instructions to Authors


Please consider sharing your expertise with your peers by contributing to Which Medical Device. We are delighted to receive submissions for:

  • User reviews
  • Editorials or
  • Video content

Which Medical Device receives over 40,000 page views a month and articles can therefore reach a large audience.


User reviews are in-depth descriptions of a device in use, are typically less than 1,500 words, have photographs of the device and are organised under the following subheadings:

  1. Device features
  2. Design/construction
  3. The device in use, including photos/xrays
  4. Results so far
  5. Comparisons with similar devices
  6. Conclusion and star rating (out of 5)
  7. References
  8. Conflict of interest statement


Editorials are welcomed which cover a number of devices in a particular area or a related topic in medical devices. We are always happy to discuss proposals for editorials at an early stage.


Video content about devices is very popular. If you have a video that you would like to submit, or a proposal for a video please contact us.


If you have items suitable for our news section, please contact us.


Written submissions should be as a Microsoft Word document, with images sent separately in maximum resolution jpeg or gif formats to All submissions are subject to peer review. Published content needs to be licensed to Which Medical Device but we are happy for contributors to retain the copyright for their work.


In addition we ask that contributors observe the following guidance:

1. Which Medical Device aims to provide independent expert review of medical devices. We therefore ask that all contributors declare if they have aconflict of interest which might influence the content they post. A conflict of interest exists when a user or close family member has a real or perceived personal or financial relationship with a device or a device manufacturer within the last three years which might influence the content that they post. This includes consultancy fees, stock options, patent holdings, advisory board memberships and other items, but we would disregard those that the Eucomed guidance states are acceptable (eg supporting conferences, small gifts of low value, see ). We therefore ask that contributors select one of the following options:
a. The author has no financial or other pecuniary interest in the device or device manufacturer reviewed.
b. The author has a financial or other pecuniary interest in the device or device manufacturer.

2. Which Medical Device reserves the right to reproduce content, including images and text, posted by users for the purposes of promoting the website or encouraging discussion about devices in keeping with its aims.

3. Which Medical Device reserves the right to change or remove content for editorial reasons without notice.

4. Informed consent should always be obtained from patients in accordance with local regulations and policies before posting images or content relating to a patient. Postings should be anonymised so that patients cannot be identified if possible. This is of particular importance when using images of patients. We recommend that you specifically discuss using images on a website with patients and that a written record of the consent process is kept on file. The UK General Medical Council has guidance on the use of patient images ( Some images, eg images taken from pathology slides, anonymised x-rays, laparoscopic images, images of internal organs and ultrasound images do not need specific consent but local guidance may vary.

5. You are reminded of the obligations to report concerns you may have about the performance of medical devices to the relevant regulatory authority. In the United Kingdom, this is the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA,

6. Which Medical Device cannot be held responsible for the content supplied by members.

7. Do not submit defamatory, libellous or obscene content.

Last updated 5th June 2012.



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